At-a-Glance Work Samples
Our words matter, no matter how short. The thought process behind sharing them with the world matters too. And, when they are partnered with images and video, they have an even greater impact. Whether it’s making sense out of editorial notes for a 90,000-word manuscript on a whiteboard, crafting interview questions and responses, outlining video scripts, social media posts or ghost writing speeches, editing books or selling an idea, I try to imagine what the reader + the listener + the viewer wants and needs to hear. It’s a process … this translating of wandering thoughts into finished products. Here are a handful of ways those wandering thoughts of mine have reached audiences:
digital magazine Example
Video Script Example
Recent video script for Stronger Girl Coffee.
social media example
Check out @strongergirlcoffee for a sample of how my words + images have partnered to create the brand voice for Stronger Girl and its flagship products. Here’s one …
It’s no news flash that it takes courage to do this life thing. Sometimes, it’s harder in some seasons than others. Sometimes the things we do with tremendous bravery are buried in the fine print. Other times, they’re a screaming headline. Maybe, getting out of bed is the brave thing one day. On another, it might be launching the business, quitting the job, having the hard conversation or re-imagining a life that’s different than you planned. Whatever brave thing you’re doing today, however small it might seem, stay encouraged. You’re not alone. And, if you have a friend who’s writing her own brave headline today, let her know you see her, hear her and are cheering her on. Invite her to follow other brave women in this community of stronger girls. It’s not just about the coffee, or the candles. It’s about lifting each other up. But, hey, coffee doesn’t hurt. Learn more about sparking encouragement at
newsletter examples
I’ve crafted numerous emails for organizations and clients that are designed to connect people to experiences, products and opportunities. In 2023, emails for Stronger Girl are performing at an average 65 percent open rate. In 2024, this recent newsletter scored a 72 percent open rate.
Branding example
In 2019, I launched one of the most interesting stories of my career … owning a coffee shop. Building from the ground(s) up, I led a small team of baristas and bakers and created a brand primarily grown through local visibility and social media. We not only survived the pandemic, we thrived and earned the 2021 Tourism Business of the Year award. I sold the shop in December of 2022 to a non-profit. The brand continues on today, serving the community and supporting people in addiction recovery. Check out the social media feed @thepaddockexperience from August of 2019 to December of 2022.
Multi-Media Campaign Example
In my role as marketing manager for WinShape Retreat and WinShape Marriage, I had the honor of helping find and tell stories of transformation. Below is a social media post that reflects a photo shoot I organized and copy that promotes the retreats I helped brand. Additionally, there’s a link to a video I assisted in creating with the help of a talented videographer in Atlanta.
Click on link to see Nick + Brooke’s story.
publishing example
As director of communications and PR at Thomas More College, I oversaw a complete editorial and design overhaul of the alumni magazine, Moreover. I served as chief writer + photographer for all issues published between 2010 and 2013, handling print production and art direction with the assistance of a graphic designer.
editorial example
From 2006 - 2018, I served as primary writer for the Building Industry Association of Louisville (formerly the Home Builders Association of Louisville). My work was featured in BIA's monthly magazine, Louisville Builder. I also contributed annually to the Greater Louisville Relocation Guide and the Homearama Plans Book, among other projects. My long-time relationship with the association is symbolic of my commitment to my clients and their growing communication needs.